اختام المكاتب و الشركات

تصميم و تصنيع الختم الخاص بشركتك بقا اونلاين اسرع و اسهل

اختام المكاتب و الشركات

نسعادك فى تصميم و تصنيع الاختام الخاصة بالشركة الخاصة بك -

متاح تصنيع الختم بمقاسات و اشكال مختلفة حسب الاحتياج -

Size chart serve your stamping needs

high quality products at competitive prices, focusing on providing tough and reliable stamps

Pocket stamp

1.Fits comfortably in your pocket or purse.
2.Compact, convenient, and easy to use.
3.Simple snap-open-and-close design
4.No stamp pad needed.
5.For consistent impressions, apply pressure uniformly over product.


Quick and easy to use, pocket stamps are the perfect on-the-go solution to authenticate documents, receipts, addresses and more. Suited for entrepreneurs, business owners, freelancers, and professionals, at Vistaprint, you can choose to customize your pocket stamp online hassle-free.

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