Pet Name Tags

Our Furry Friend's Safety is Our Priority
We Care About Them as Ourselves!

Safe & Stylish

We love to see their smile, we love to feel them always around.

We designed the tag to be very stylish and durable to ensure their safety.

You can add your contacts or address on the back of the tag to ensure their safety

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Customize Your
Pet Name tag

We help you to keep them safe and stylish everywhere
By attaching the name tag to their collar you will feel peace of mind

Colourful Name Tags

- Bone, Crown and Paw Shapes
- Pink and Blue Colours
- 1 Phone Number only on the back
- Washable Waterproof Material

Metal Name Tags

- Bone, Paw, Crown and Circle Shapes
- Stainless steel silver Colour
- Phone Number and text on the back
- Washable Waterproof Material

Acrylic Name Tags

- Bone, Paw, Crown and Circle Shapes
- Black Acrylic Colour
- Phone Number and text on the back
- Washable Waterproof Material

Our Work

Safe Pets .. Happy Clients